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This tutorial covers MSDK SFTP batch processing, where the MSDK is used for end to end automation. JPMC assigns clients to SFTP server pairs. One pair for integration testing and the other for live transaction processing. Each pair has a primary and secondary server complete with failover capabilities.

For security, Public Key Authentication, PKA is implemented and encryption protects files in transit. For convenience, JPMC server fingerprints are preset in the MSDK SFTP configuration file along with other important attributes that can be modified.

A utility is included in the kit to generate key pairs for file encryption and authentication. Client public keys must be shared with JPMC to complete the setup process. Files at rest are also automatically encrypted for additional protection.

When coding, the submission descriptor class is used to create close, encrypt and transmit batch files for processing. And the response descriptor class retrieves JPMC batch processing result files that are mirrored on primary and secondary servers.

Mirrored files are available for 30 days unless removed by the client. An SFTP simulator is in the kit for offline sandbox development and testing. For increased flexibility, the MSDK supports batch processing using several integration methods. Use MSDK Director and kit tools for additional guidance.