Cash Concentration Service Updates

Enhancements to your physical cash concentration services are underway. Here’s what to expect: 

U.S. branch sweeps

  • Consolidating new service codes on billing statements
  • Standardizing back valuation BAI/SWIFT transaction codes, where applicable
  • Changing sweep narratives for single location single currency and cross-border single currency (end-of-day) sweeps
  • Changing sweep narratives for cross-border intraday sweeps
  • Enhancing intercompany loan reporting for single location single currency and cross-border single currency (end-of-day) sweeps
  • Enhancing intercompany loan reporting for cross-border intraday sweeps

International branch sweeps1

  • Changing sweep narratives for single location single currency and cross-border single currency sweeps
  • Enhancing intercompany loan reporting



Except mainland China