J.P. Morgan
Global Index

J.P. Morgan’s Global Index Research is a market leader in fixed income indices with over 30 years of experience as thought leaders developing indices in emerging and developed markets. The team creates index solutions through our markets-aligned approach by integrating J.P. Morgan’s top-rated research franchise to provide first-class client service. Our objectives are to provide knowledgeable insights, bespoke products and informed index management decisions that clients can rely on.

Since the launch of our first fixed income index in 1989, our business has evolved to meet the diverse needs of our clients in an increasingly complex and data-driven market environment. Our product suite now incorporates multiple asset classes including ESG, CLOs, Rates, Sovereign, Credit and more amongst Emerging and Developed Markets.

Broad coverage across
fixed-income markets

Part of Award-Winning Fixed
Income Global Research

Global Client Reach

The J.P. Morgan Index

Why J.P. Morgan
Index Research?

As part of J.P. Morgan’s top rated Global Fixed-Income Research franchise, the J.P. Morgan Index Research group:

  • partners closely with Research analysts to provide the best-in-class benchmark methodology and insights

  • offers rules-based market representative indices that investors can select as part of their active or passive fund management processes

  • provides custom benchmark services working alongside our dedicated index research specialist(s) to tailor your own index strategy

Client Focused

For the J.P. Morgan Index Research Group, investor engagement is key to shaping the fixed-income index landscape:

  • Leveraging the knowledge and experience of the wider J.P. Morgan franchise

  • Providing transparent discourse and partnership for clients to effectively manage their exposure to our indices

  • Soliciting feedback via annual governance consultation meetings

Sustainable &
ESG Investing

To assist our clients in their journey to adopt ESG practices in their investment decision making, since the initial launch of our JESG index family in 2018, we have focused on developing a full suite of ESG Index products which:

  • Uses a balanced application of ESG factors

  • Provides clients the flexibility to have bespoke index solutions using our ESG framework

  • Offers unique insight and consultations with our dedicated ESG index specialists

JESG Green Bond Index

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JESG Green Bond Index


Jamie Dimon: Today the world is facing a number of significant environmental, social, and governance challenges. As a global financial institution, JPMorgan Chase recognizes, that our business decisions have the potential to impact the environment, and surrounding communities. Climate change is one of the priorities we are addressing. We are growing our capabilities, to help clients raise the capital they need, to invest in projects and initiatives, intended to achieve positive environmental and social outcomes. And we are calling for coordinated policy solutions that can help all of us effectively confront this threat. In 2020, we are aiming to facilitate $200 billion dollars in financing, to drive action on climate change, and advance the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. There are numerous ESG initiatives the firm is undertaking and we'll continue to expand our commitment to sustainable business practices to better serve our clients, customers, employees, and our local communities. Thank you.

Marilyn Cece: J.P. Morgan is proud to be one of the original co-authors of the Green Bond Principles. And to continue to serve on its executive committee, we are pleased our involvement has given rise to the further development and expansion of the sustainable debt capital markets, including the social bond principles, sustainability bond guidelines, and the most recently the sustainability linked bond principles, providing the market best practice guidance. Our firm's approach to ESG has facilitated partnerships across various lines of business at J.P. Morgan enabling us to better serve our issuer and investor clients.

Gloria Kim:Responsible investing is increasingly being integrated into our index business and in J.P. Morgan's research overall. We recognize there's an opportunity, but also a responsibility, to better serve and support our clients, as they advance in their own ESG capabilities. With this in mind, our index team launched the J.P. Morgan ESG Suite of Indices. It's designed to provide investors with a foundational framework to incorporate ESG discipline within their investment process, regardless of where they are in their ESG journey. Since the launch in 2018, the assets managed against the J.P. Morgan ESG indices have grown exponentially. Our latest edition to the ESG index lineup will be a green bond index, with the support of Climate Bonds Initiative. It will explicitly contain green bonds as determined by CBI. This index is unique in that it rewards certified green bonds that are aligned with the Paris Agreement of two degrees warming verses just general green bond issuances. And we believe this will help promote the transparency and vigor the green bond market needs to achieve scale. Thank you for your continued partnership and support for J.P. Morgan's global index research offerings and we will continue to service you with more innovative products. Thank you.


Product Suite

The J.P. Morgan ESG (JESG) Index Suite builds upon our flagship fixed-income indices implementing an ESG risk mitigation methodology while still adhering to the core risk-reward profile of the underlying asset class
The JESG Index Suite offers coverage across multiple asset classes, including:

  • Credit bonds universe tracked by the JESG Global Corporate Index (JESG GCI), JESG Corporate Emerging Markets Bond Index (JESG CEMBI), JESG Asia Credit Index (JESG JACI)
  • Sovereign bonds tracked by JESG Emerging Markets Bond Index (JESG EMBI) and JESG Government Bond Index – Emerging Markets Index (JESG GBI-EM)
  • The JESG Green, Social, and Sustainability Bond Index (JESG GESSIE) and JESG Green Bond Index (JESG GENIE) track global issuance of labeled debt instruments.

The J.P. Morgan sovereign indices offer extensive coverage across developed and emerging markets local currency bonds:

  • Developed market local currency bonds are tracked by the J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index (GBI), complimented by the J.P. Morgan US TIPS Index (JUSTINE), the J.P. Morgan Euro Linker Securities Index (ELSI), and the J.P. Morgan Gilt Inflation Linked Local Index (GILLI)
  • The J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index Emerging Markets (GBI-EM) covers emerging market domestic sovereign bonds
  • The GBI Aggregate Index (GBI-AGG) tracks sovereign local currency bonds across developed and emerging markets, while GBI-Cross Markets Index (GBI-CM) primarily tracks fixed-rate developed market local government bonds with exposure to advanced emerging markets
  • Region-specific indices include European Monetary Union Index (EMU), China Aggregate Index, and the J.P. Morgan Asia Diversified Index (JADE) family exclusively covers local currency bonds within the Asia region

Developed Markets


Inflation Linkers

Within the credit space, we offer a broad suite of indices covering both developed and emerging markets universe:

  • Our flagship J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index (EMBI®) family covers hard-currency denominated sovereign bonds, while Next Generation Market Index (NEXGEM) focuses on the frontier economies
  • Emerging markets corporate bonds are tracked by the Corporate Emerging Market Bond Index (CEMBI), the J.P. Morgan Asia (JACI) suite, the Central America and Caribbean (CACI), and the Middle East Composite (MECI) indices
  • The J.P. Morgan Global Corporate Index (GCI) suite of indices tracks corporate bonds across developed and emerging markets

Global Corporates

  • GCI
  • GCI IG
  • GCI HY

The J.P. Morgan Securitized suite of indices provides a wide range of coverage within the securitized space:

  • The J.P. Morgan Collateralized Loan Obligation Index (CLOIE) is the first rule-based total return benchmark designed to track the USD-denominated, broadly syndicated, arbitrage US CLO market
  • The J.P. Morgan Asset Backed Securities Index (ABS) represents US dollar denominated tradeable ABS instruments.
  • The J.P. Morgan MBS Agency Index (MAX) is an in-depth measure of the US Mortgage-Backed Securities fixed-rate agency market

Products within the rates & FX space:

  • The Emerging Local Markets Index Plus (ELMI+) tracks total returns for local currency denominated money market instruments in emerging market countries
  • The J.P. Morgan Cash Index serves as a reliable performance benchmark for a fund’s cash component and are offered in multiple tenors

Within the Cross-Asset space:

  • The J.P. Morgan Global Aggregate Bond Index (GABI) unifies all core J.P. Morgan bond indices under a single platform, leveraging flagship indices such as the EMBI®, GBI, and CLOIE which are industry standards in their respective asset classes
  • Complementing the global benchmark is the US-only GABI - the GABI US is a holistic gauge for the entire US fixed income market capturing all USD denominated debt within the GABI
  • The J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Blended (JEMB) suite of indices is an aggregate EM fixed income benchmark that blends US dollar and local currency denominated sovereign, quasi-sovereign, and corporate bonds

The J.P. Morgan Index Research team offers a custom benchmark experience where clients work alongside a dedicated index research specialist to tailor their index strategies across various asset classes.

  • Custom indices and ETF benchmarks – tailored solutions for portfolio management and risk assessment for asset owners, asset managers, sovereign wealth funds, ETF issuers, and more
  • The J.P. Morgan Index Research Replication Strategy (IRR) offers durable cash-based passive indexing strategies for investors looking to efficiently replicate the performance of the J.P. Morgan EM fixed income suite of indices. The IRR platform aims to optimize both execution and coverage


Partner with our Global Index Research team to design your bespoke index solution

Collaborate with J.P. Morgan to identify and analyze the most suitable index for your product needs

We offer Fixed Income market expertise to recommend strategies
Construct an Index that reflects your strategy, flexibility to diversify across asset classes to optimize through changing market conditions

Established index construction and delivery processes to refine the data to your index needs
Test your strategy, analyze and refine the Index requirements for launch

Work in partnership to finalize the Index criteria
Launch your ETF on the path to ETF product growth in partnership with J.P. Morgan

Assistance in product documentation and publication requirements, as well as ongoing collaboration to review your product
Portfolio Manager/Index Manager tool - your multi-asset pre-trade analytics and data platform, simplifying the way users generate valuable market insight

For platform access, contact Index Licensing at index.licensing@jpmorgan.com

Get in touch

For more information, speak to a member of our team:

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All information provided herein regarding J.P. Morgan Index products (referred to herein as "Index" or "Indices"), including without limitation, the levels of the Indices, is provided for informational purposes only, and nothing herein constitutes, or forms part of, an offer or a solicitation for the purchase or sale of any financial instrument, or an official confirmation of any transaction, or a valuation or a price for any product referencing the Indices. Nor should anything herein be construed as a recommendation to adopt any investment strategy or as legal, tax or accounting advice. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. All Indices are derived from sources, including market prices, data and other information, that are considered reliable, but the Index Administrator (defined below) does not warrant their completeness or accuracy or any other information furnished in connection with the Indices. Past performance is not indicative of future returns, which will vary. J.P. Morgan and/or its affiliates and employees may hold positions (long or short), effect transactions or act as market maker in the financial instruments of any issuer data contained herein or act as underwriter, placement agent, advisor, or lender to such issuer.

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Changes to Interbank Offered Rates (IBORS) and other Benchmark Rates can be found here.

JPMS is a member of NYSE and SIPC. J.P. Morgan is the marketing name for the investment banking activities of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., JPMS, J.P. Morgan Securities plc (member of the LSE, authorized by the PRA, regulated by the FCA and PRA), and their investment banking affiliates.

Additional information is available upon request. All inquiries regarding the information contained in this communication should be directed to index.research@jpmorgan.com.

Additional information regarding the Indices may be found on www.jpmorganmarkets.com.